Searching Together.

Ready to change the world?

Millions of tons of plastic ends up in landfill every year, some of which takes hundreds of years to degrade. It's a huge problem for the industry that, until recently, looked unlikely to be solved any time soon.

We're not exaggerating when we say that, as a crucial part of Polymateria's expanding commercial team, you could have a big part to play in solving this crisis.

Polymateria's technology is game-changing.

Their additive lies dormant in plastics, activating at a specific time to start the biodegrading process when necessary. This returns the polymer back to nature safely, without producing any microplastics or harmful by-products.

Scroll down to the video below to get a better understanding of this technology and life at Polymateria. 

Let's Talk
Solving the Plastics Crisis
Scroll Down
  • 1 A Footprint in 5 Continents
  • 2 Revolutionary Technology
  • 3 Uncapped Commission

A Fast Growing Start-Up.

Polymateria provide a solution to one of the biggest environment issues in the world.

This innovative technology hasn’t gone unnoticed. The London company have enjoyed rapid commercial growth and show no signs of stopping with a footprint in five continents.

This growth is driven by the collaborative efforts of their innovative R&D and commercial teams. Together, these people are changing the world we live in and protecting our planet. 

Step Inside Polymateria with CM Industrial.

CM Industrial took a trip down to London to chat with CEO Niall Dunne, CFO Karam Hiriji and members of the research team to get a taste of life at Polymateria. 

What Polymateria's People Say.

We've got a great group working together to change the way people think about plastics. Niall Dunne CEO
You’re given autonomy to really think for yourself, make smart decisions and shape the business how you see best. Karam Hiriji CFO
It's really rewarding to see our technology making a difference globally. Verónica Pujadas Commercial Logistics Manager
No one has ever done this before. That makes each day exciting, challenging and enjoyable. Lauren Johnstone Analytical and Research Technician

CEO Niall Dunne on Polymateria's Plans.

Our plastics specialist, Oliver Davies, discusses the future of Polymateria and their next pahse of commercial growth with CEO Niall Dunne. 

Get in Touch with Oliver.

If you'd like to learn more about Polymateria and the Senior Vice President of Global Sales role, please contact Oliver at

Click the arrow below for and in-depth podcast between Oliver & CEO Niall Dunne.

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