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New Podcast Series: The Smart Buildings Insider.

CM Industrial By CM Industrial

The smart buildings industry is one of the most fascinating spaces in the world right now – with the market going through some revolutionary changes that need talking about. In CM Industrial’s new podcast series, The Smart Buildings Insider, we'll be utilising our extensive network to speak with smart buildings experts and leaders from the around the world about all this and more!

Throughout the series, we'll discuss new innovations, the latest trends and major talking points in smart buildings. By doing this, we hope to build a smart buildings community that benefits everyone, sharing the best ideas and advice in the market!

**To access all this fantastic insight, as well as exclusive articles, insightful PDFs and updates on new events/episodes, you just need to sign up as a Smart Buildings Insider. Click to sign up.**

Our first episode "The Future of Commercial Real Estate" is available now. Click to listen.

In this podcast, our smart buildings specialist, Lewis Martin, interviews commercial real estate expert and CEO of Blue Skyre IBE Maureen Ehrenberg. With 30 years’ experience behind her, Maureen was well-placed to give us some fantastic insight on her market.

For more smart buildings content, check out Lewis’ profile page.


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