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How to Nail Virtual Hiring.

CM Industrial By CM Industrial

Join Charlton Morris' Director of Marketing & Communications Kris Holland as he speaks live to Jerome Richards, who co-leads CM Medical, about how to nail virtual hiring.

We're not talking about 'using Zoom' - everyone's mastered that in the last 12 months. Instead, we discuss how to optimise the virtual hiring process to ensure you get the most out of it. Whether you're looking to hire or looking for your next role, you'll come away from podcast ready to nail your virtual hiring strategy.

If you have any questions about this podcast or would like to learn more about CM Conversations, then please email Kris at


  • 04 March 2021
    CM Industrial By CM Industrial

    How to Nail Virtual Hiring.

    We're not talking about 'using Zoom' - everyone's mastered that in the last 12 months. Instead, we discuss how to optimise the virtual hiring process to ensure you get the most out of it.

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